Books can be magical portals to many readers. We can definitely understand why one would not want to give away their books. Let us dive right into both sides and get to know the reasons why we should or should not sell our books. Hopefully after reading this piece you would be intrigued to sell your already read books if you weren’t planning to, or hold on to them even tighter if you were ready to let them go. Let us know which side you end up choosing though.
Selling The Books

No Impact
Not all books would leave us speechless or thinking for hours. Sometime’s we read a whole book and feel almost nothing. A book that did not leave any sort of impact except its space on the shelf. We almost forgot that it existed. This forgotten book when selling it, could find a new home. An opportunity to be loved and appreciated by someone who would find it more useful and meaningful.
Additional Income
Reselling your books could benefit you financially. Yes, the amount might not be as much as you first bought it; but you will receive an amount of money without really doing anything? So, instead of leaving it on the shelf you could have an income based on reselling your previously read books.
Purchased extra – why not sell?
There are times readers would go purchase many books at a time that some end up not only they have not been read but actually left with a question “Why did I purchase this book?” We bet we all have at least one book that we questions our
intentions and thoughts when buying it. Instead of attaching
ourself to this questionable book, why not sell it?
It is an eco-friendly move to recycle the books we have.
Buying used books or reselling yours; Even though the change is not as significant but it would still make a small difference in helping our planet.
Not Selling The Books
It is a tough debate and we could be biased in this one but let us dive into it and share our thoughts on why we should not sell our books.

Not selling your first editions means that those special books could really make you a fortune in the future. Especially, limited and special editions.
Some readers would write their thoughts and feelings while reading. The margins of the book would be carved with the readers intakes. Whether they are reacting to the lines they are reading or maybe reflecting on the passages. Sometime’s it gets personal; and there would be no way that one would giveaway or sell this book.
Special meaning or Gift
Sometime’s we hold on to a certain book because they were gifted by special people, and that mere fact would not allow us to resell this particular book.
Rereading a book is most likely a better adventure. Many readers have found rereading their books more interesting than they first read it. It somehow gave them a second chance to see the things they missed when reading it the first time. Selling the book might take that opportunity from them.