The story follows the journey of mortal girl, Jude Duarte, and faerie prince, Cardan Greenbriar, as they navigate the world of hate, betrayal, and contempt along with feelings for each other.
6.500 KD Vendito Delivery
The story follows the journey of mortal girl, Jude Duarte, and faerie prince, Cardan Greenbriar, as they navigate the world of hate, betrayal, and contempt along with feelings for each other.
1 in stock
The story follows the journey of mortal girl, Jude Duarte, and faerie prince, Cardan Greenbriar, as they navigate the world of hate, betrayal, and contempt along with feelings for each other.
Delivery Rates:
Flat Price: 2.000 KD to all areas. When purchasing from more than one vendor with Vendito Delivery in the same order, delivery will only be charged once.Expected Vendito Delivery time: Within 48 hoursDelivery Policy:
The delivery is handled by Vendito. Delivery dates can very depending on the Vendor since we have to collect it from them.Return Policy
The vendor has not provided any policy.